Posts tagged docs-as-code

Manager POV: What’s the benefit of docs-as-code?

In the last 2-3 years one of my main tasks was to convince people to use a docs-as-code approach for their SW project. The hard part is not to convince SW developers to use it, as they are often already doing it. But team leaders and managers, as their concerns are often not related to single features, but more about process and toolchain compliance and integration. And for sure the question of all questions: What’s the monetary benefit?

So if you are a CEO, a manager, a team leader or just want to understand the big picture, grab a coffee/tea, sit back and let me explain: How docs-as-code will save you money and still increase the product quality.


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Sphinx Extension Development: Tips & Tricks

In the last year I have written some Sphinx extensions and figured out some stuff, which I want to share here.

First of all, the documentation for Sphinx extension development is not so detailed. There is a tutorial available by the Sphinx team, but the used example project is quite simple.


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Docs-as-Code Enhanced

For most of us “Docs-as-Code” mostly means to store the documentation files beside the project sources in git. Also editing the sources in an already used IDE and using the CI system to build it, are 2 important use cases why docs-as-code is chosen to create documentation.

But these features have nothing to do with the documentation content itself. What if the content itself can be treated as code? What if the content / documentation language provides features, which we already know from our programming languages?


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