Posts tagged sphinx-needs

Process documents with Sphinx-Needs

Documenting processes is often a separate task in companies. Done by an extra department/team for processes, workflows and tools (PMT). And published in specific formats, which are not reusable or referencable by project specific documentations. But being able to link project requirements to process steps would help developers to understand the need for such requirements.

This post explains how the docs-as-code approach can be used to document processes and workflows.


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Docs-as-Code Enhanced

For most of us “Docs-as-Code” mostly means to store the documentation files beside the project sources in git. Also editing the sources in an already used IDE and using the CI system to build it, are 2 important use cases why docs-as-code is chosen to create documentation.

But these features have nothing to do with the documentation content itself. What if the content itself can be treated as code? What if the content / documentation language provides features, which we already know from our programming languages?


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Page meta data in Sphinx

In bigger Sphinx projects, written by hundreds of authors, you often need to store additional data to somehow have the overall page creation and update process under control.

This data can be stored and maintained as meta-data on top of each rst file.


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String2Link transformation with Sphinx-Needs

Sphinx-Needs got a new cool feature to easily create links of a given string for options. The string-links feature.

This allows to just set e.g. a github issue id and get a link to exactly this issue in the final docs.

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Job advertisement for Sphinx-Needs

I just have detected the first job advertisement, which asks for Sphinx-Needsas skill. Yeah 🥳

The job is for a Docs-As-Code Development engineer at Bosch in Leonberg, Germany.


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